

We specifically recruit local talent for staffing at our mines, distribution terminals and last mile logistics operations by advertising in local media, participating in job fairs, and working with local technical colleges. In 2018, Hi-Crush Inc. spent more than $87,000 on local recruitment advertising and participated in four job fairs and career conferences held by local public schools and colleges.


Hi-Crush Inc. provides educational and training opportunities to our employees and the people in our communities. We do this through the following:

  • A third-party online learning management system, launched in November 2018, that provides both required and optional training across a broad array of subject matters for all employees;
  • Our quarterly leadership training sessions initiated in September 2018;
  • Our Tuition Reimbursement Policy that furthers employees’ knowledge, skills and job effectiveness by reimbursing employees for their tuition in fields of interest to the company at accredited colleges, universities and technical schools;
  • Partnerships with local technical and vocational colleges;
  • Participation in local school educational initiatives and forums (e.g. STEM programs); and
  • Participation in mock interviews in area high school career classes.

In 2019, we plan to enhance our online performance management system.


Hi-Crush believes in inclusiveness in our hiring and workforce diversity. Our diversity metrics (KPIs) as of December 31, 2018 are as follows:

  • # Employees 719
  • Women in total workforce 12%
  • Women executives (VP or higher) 19%
  • Minorities in total workforce 30%
  • Other key HR metrics:
  • Participation in 401(k) 70%
  • Average service years 2.63